Findings on Various Wireless Sensor Networks for Water Quantity Monitoring and Leakage Detection

  • Kanegonda Ravi Chythanya, Dr. T. Venu Gopal, Dr. Akundi Sai Hanuman


            A Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of micro sensor devices that can sense the information such as temperature, level and communicate the gathered information from its respective position through wireless links to the server. The information is forwarded through multiple nodes, and the data is transfer to other networks such as wireless Ethernet connection using a gateway. WSN consists of compact micro sensors that permits users to detect quantities, monitor, collect data and logged into custom storage. As an autonomous device, WSN have been an attained widespread applicability in water quantity monitoring systems. Various wireless sensors based systems are available for water quantity monitoring in water tanks, pond and lake water, water reservoir, general purpose water tank and city water distribution. Additionally, the aforesaid frameworks are not used again in the additional monitoring application specific sensor nodes. In this research, the energy efficient, self-configurable and reusable WSN water quantity monitoring system is analysed with its merits and limitations. Since, the web-based water quantity monitoring system is designed by combining the sleep scheduling mechanism of sensor nodes and web-based information portal. In this paper, a detailed survey of different kinds of wireless sensors available for water quantity monitoring and leakage is presented. Also the characteristics such as speed, coverage distance, sensitivity of different sensors are studied and comparative analyses is presented. 
