Smart Air Pollution Detection and Monitoring System for Motor Vehicles

  • Aniket Dhote, Wasudeo Rahane , and Priyanka Rajput, Yogita Taware


Air pollution is becoming a major environmental issue over the past few years. According to a study in 2019, 21 out of 30

highly polluted cities were from India. Many people don’t turn their vehicles off even if the traffic is too long. The major reason forconcern over the increasing air pollution is not only its harmful effects on human health but also environmental damage. 

So we have proposed a Pollution Detection and Monitoring System for Motor Vehicles. It is Smart Air pollution Detection

and Monitoring System. Every vehicle emits gases, but it could give rise to severe problems when this emission crosses the

Standardized values defined by the Pollution Control Board (PCB).In this project, we propose a system that helps us to detect the concentration of harmful gases, i.e. CO, CO2, and CH2O as wellas PM2.5. A smartphone app is developed which enables us to monitor real-time data and alert users when the corresponding gasemission goes high. The notification helps us to take certain actions to eliminate those pollution causing factors in time.

We can’t stop pollution all at once but we can at least slow it down up to some extent. So we have come up with this solution

for a better tomorrow. It will also help RTO in terms of rules, regulations and fine. We will have a lot of information about the

Pollution caused by a particular vehicle which we never had up to date. This will be useful for deciding future strategies regarding
