Design And Development Of Electric Multiseed Sowing Machine
The seed ploughing and sowing is one of the important process in agriculture. The various techniques used for seed sowing placement are manual, Ox and tractor operated. The manual and Ox operator technique are time consuming and requires more labour. In standard cultivator equipment (tractor operated) the distance between furrows is fixed i.e. the spacing between the seeds is same for all types of seeds this leads to improper utilisation of land and can also affect the crop yield. Also, tractor runs on fossil fuel which emits particulate matter and other pollutants every second. To overcome this issue an alternative solution needs to be required which will also be helpful to the farmers to improve the productivity. While reviewing the conventional methods of sowing it is observed that there is possibility of uneven placement of seeds in terms of depth at which it should be placed & spacing of sowing which depends on seed’s type. At present in manual, Ox or use of tractor does not have control on these parameters. For better yield and optimum utilization of land, it is necessary to have proper design of machine which can able to perform the specified task depending on type of seeds and soil. Hence, to overcome this problem and to reduce human effort there should be a system which will work on battery and be able to control the depth and space issues depending on seed types. This paper reviews the required parameters (like- torque, force, distance etc.) for the design of electric multiseed sowing machine that can be useful for different seeds and soil. From the previous available data after analysing, it is decided to use 750 watt, 48 V, 450 RPM BLDC motor for electric multiseed sowing machine. By additional attachment this machine can also perform ploughing and weeding operation thereby saving additional labour and time.