Improved Geometrical Designs Of Conventional Tetrapod
This paper provides some results and new procedures to develop geometrical designs and its analysis w.r.t hydrodynamic aspects, & interaction between emerged breakwater and waves by CFD and CAD. Following are general methodologies and practices that can be followed by modelling of components in SolidWorks 2016. Which will help in capturing the design intent and features, that is to be moulded. Breakwaters, both submerged and emerged are numerically reconstructed by overlapping individual blocks under the conditions of gravity, collision and friction, according to geometry a very much like in real construction are compared with laboratory test models. A use of advanced technology, Flow3D for Virtually Testing of Geometrical Design Models was conducted. Here the results presents, a innovative approach towards the breakwater design and its testing, which were further compared with several design solutions in replacement with conventional one.