Analysis Of RCC Building In Sloping Ground With Various Heights

  • Krishna Khandelwal, Priyanshu, Parth Kansara, Santosh Goudgaon


During the last two decades, metropolitan cities have attempted to develop vertically to meet the building requirement of large influxes of population into urban areas. Having faced the problems of urban population explosion, lack of land, high land prices and unwieldy slump of cities and towns, attempts have been made in our major cities to provide more built up space vertically for both working and living. The structures are generally constructed on level ground; however, due to scarcity of level grounds the construction activities have been started on sloping grounds. In this study, G+ 11,G+15,G+20 storey’s RCC building and the ground slope varying from 5 to 8m have been considered for the analysis. A comparison has been made with the building resting on level ground. The modelling and analysis of the building has been done by using structure analysis tool ETAB 2016, to study the effect of varying height of the column in bottom storey at different position during the earthquake. The aim of present study is to compare seismic performance of G+11, G+15, G+20 structures situated in earthquake zones II & zone IV. All frames are designed under same gravity loading. Time history method of analysis used for seismic analysis. ETABS software is used and the results are compared. The results were obtained in the form of top storey displacement, Storey drift, Base shear and displacement. It is observed that short column is affected more during the earthquake.
