Behaviour of GFRP Wrapped Hollow RC Rectangular Column Under Axial Load
This dissertation investigates some techniques of strengthening existing rectangular reinforced concrete column under axial. Three groups of hollow rectangular reinforced concrete column were made from M20 grade concrete. Reinforcement was kept at minimum ratio, so that the columns tends to fail under axial load and require the retrofitting. Three groups of columns were casted each of group contain 3 columns. Columns of first group were casted with M20 grade concrete. The column size of each of the column is kept same. In the second group, 3 columns were wrapped with single layer of GFRP. In third group, there were three columns chamfered at their edges and cover of 20mm is provided for reinforcement. 4 bars of 20mm were used for minimum reinforcement of hollow rectangular column. Result of all this test were analysed and compared with each other and the conclusion were drawn.