Advance earthquake resistance technique to reduce the seismic intensity by using tuned liquid damper
TLD can be used in building structures to minimize the vibrations created by earthquake. The performance of the tuned liquid dampers is measured in terms of efficiency and robustness. Additionally, as modern skyscrapers are made tall using flexible beams, wind can cause significant swaying of the building. This repeated load cycles can induce fatigue into the beams and can cause seasick feeling for the residents living on top. Mass damper, Liquid dampers, base isolators and other supplemental damping systems (SDSs) are among the various alternatives used to reduce the vibrations on the structures. This paper will focus on one of these methods, Tuned liquid Damper (TLD). A TLD is water confined in a container that uses the sloshing energy of the water to reduce the dynamic response of the system when the system is subjected to excitation. TLD has also been found to be very effective in cancelling vibrations caused due to wind. Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) are the origin of TLDs. TMDs implemented in most tall buildings to achieve vibration control since the 1950s.