Experimental Study of Effects of Nano Particles and Bio Fillers on Strength of Vedic Plaster
To minimize the negative impact on environment due to manmade construction materials it is now became the requirement of construction sector to develop energy efficient materials with enhanced durability by incorporating natural waste. From ancient periods, the people in rural villages have been using cow dung plaster for thermal comfort and ease of application. Due to low durability and less life span the cow dung plaster has not been utilized as the main construction material. Vedic plaster is commercially available plaster with cow dung in it among with various natural materials. The properties of vedic plaster such as less density, less heat exchange and requirement of no curing makes vedic plaster alternative to gypsum plaster. This paper shows effects of waste shell powder and graphene on vedic plaster. The test results showed average reduction in compressive strength of about 37% with addition of shell powder up to 10%. The prepared plaster composite can be used for various construction applications where non-load bearing, economical lightweight material is required. Even with changes in properties of vedic plaster the waste shell powder can be used to make components and can still be applied to walls of low cost houses because it satisfies minimum values stated in referred standards.