Web Hosting Issues Resolver Chatbot Using Node.js
Chabot stands for chat robot, a type of computer program that communicates, conversationally respond to human. The program usually runs on the server and then talks to us. The responds from machine may be using text or voice through various channels such as web sites, applications or chat programs. Chatbot programs are often designed to talk to people or talk to chatbot together. In general, these chatbot are used for answering questions in many businesses, providing customer information, providing train schedules, helping customer reservations, virtual assistants serve as call centers to serve ten million customers automatically.
The paper deals with the development of the chatbot for Web hosting Service provider. A user can ask multiple queries regarding any Web Hosting, Domains, Web Security and Website Marketing etc. Chatbot interacts with the user by answering all the queries. To deploy this chatbot we are using Node.js. The paper focuses on eliminating the issue of the Tensorflow.js compatibility with the Node.js in the existing chatbot. As Tensorflow.js can run on a normal browser but it cannot run on Node.js.