Implementation of MATLAB in Spur Gear Profile System.

  • Prof S. K. Malave, Saurav Patil, Sanket Suryawanshi, Harshal Ingale & Shamsing Girase


An arrangement of Gears on the conveyer plays a key role in determining the physical properties and the performance characteristics of gears. MATLAB is extensively used for scientific & research purposes. It is accurate & also having a number of built in functions which makes it versatile. As Gear defects are a major reason for poor quality and of embarrassment for manufacturers. Inspection processes done on these industries are mostly manual and time consuming. To reduce error on identifying gear defects requires more automotive and accurate inspection process. Considering this lacking, this research implements MATLAB for error detection of gear tooth profile which uses USB camera and RF sensors to identify possible defects. The recognizer identifies the gear defects within economical cost and produces less error prone inspection system in real time. Primarily the USB camera captures digital gear image and converts the RGB images into binary images by restoration process and local threshold techniques. Later, the outputs of the processed image are the area of the faulty portion and compute the possible defective and non –defective gear as an output.
