Secure Data Distribution & Improving Synchronization in Cloud Computing
Now a day’s Mobile cloud storage are most popular to the storage and Exchange the Data .In the paper to recognize, investigate and report the synchronization inadequacy difficulty of current cloud storage services. In the Existing Synchronization is fail to the available bandwidth. It generated the large amount of the data .It unwanted data are Synchronization to create traffic. We implement the Quick Synchronization of the data using three different technique used to improve the Synchronization efficiency to any other services and it’s improve the performance of the Synchronization time to the system. Data is generating day by day in cloud computing data is saved on the cloud. So here we have to combine the mobile computing with cloud computing so that we can handle the mobile-based application with cloud platform. It happens because of the inherent limitations of the sync protocol and the distributed architecture the roundabout need for sheltered announcement, storage, and complication undoubtedly render the move toward unworkable. In this project, we take in hand this sensible predicament, which is largely abandoned in the journalism; via propose the new idea of key-aggregation.