Underwater Images Haze Removal

  • Rajat Kumar Singh, S.K.Patil,Manish Kant Kumar,Shivangi Chandra


The challenges of capturing underwater images contain problems like aggressive light absorption and disrupting scattering effect in the deep ocean enabling lighting problem. So mainly, we concentrate on the underwater image enhancement through haze removal algorithm by dark channel prior technique. But, it has tendency to darken the image in some situation but shows a good result by reducing haze and noise effect. In order to improve the dehazing result, a histogram equalization technique has been taken. CLAHE on RGB model has been followed in our approach to change the level of contrast and intensity of dehaze image. In the end, a color correction algorithm for visually appreciable result has been used. Our project results expected to show that the proposed algorithm is significantly going to improve quality of underwater images visually as well as quantifiably by enhancing the contrast of the image and reducing noise as well as artifacts in the image.

