Techniques to improve Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network

  • Monali K. Fulbandhe et al.


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offers a vast range of advantages to many applications by
lowering their cost and reducing their overall power consumption. A WSN is an arrangement
of randomly distributed devices, i.e. sensor nodes (SNs), which are interconnected having
sensing capabilities to communicate and share data with some special features. Each SN is
equipped with limited resources and thrown in terrain with an unconditional climate having a
pre-configured set of tasks that it needs to perform. Each of deployed SN in WSN cluster
faces a considerable energy issue and needs to manipulate the power consumption to increase
their lifetime and make sure that they perform all the allocated tasks. Due to the
unavailability of an external power source, the energy efficiency considered as one of the
critical issues in WSNs. Selection of a sensor node (SN) from a wireless sensor network
(WSN) cluster to serve as an aggregator or cluster head (CH), considered as an efficient
method to increase the lifetime of wireless sensor network (WSN).In this paper, we are
presenting the cluster head reusability scheme to enhance the lifetime of network and to
reduce the average residual energy of a single WSN. The proposed algorithm is helpful in
solving the problem of unbalanced energy consumption in WSNs.
