SHAKTI: Enticing Safety to the ZENITH

  • Dr.J.P.Patra, Ashish Trivedi, Kaynat Noor


In the present era, the use of smart phones has risen expeditiously, thus, they can be used aptly for personal security and for numerous other protection purposes. The atrocious incidents that have happened in the recent past, outraged the whole country and have alarmed us to look for effective safety solutions. As a result, a pool of new technical solutions have been devised, for the purpose of ensuring safety of women via their phones. This paper presents SHAKTI, an Android Application for Women’s Security that can be instigated by merely pressing the volume and power button together, whenever need arises. Also through a single click on this app an alert message and an emergency call, along with the victim’s GPS location will be resent automatically to the intended recipients(family & friends) and to the Police Control Room at an interval of every five minutes. A very unique approach to the entire process is that the alert message can also be sent via WhatsApp, which is one of the most commonly used messenger now-a-days. This helps in rescuing the person in danger much more efficaciously and faster.
