Data Analysis for finding the Efficiency in different Programming Language Courses

  • Dr Anuradha.S.G


Ensuring the outcomes of Programming language courses is a taxing process in the academic
environment especially during the early stages of collegiate education. Attainment of outcomes is
highly influenced by levels of learners and pedagogy. Students’ level of learning differs due to several
factors such as the background, medium of instruction, logical thinking, creativity and associating
problems with solutions. Students need to develop programming skills for employability but the current
pedagogy ignores levels of learners and their abilities in the teaching learning environment. In this
regard, the authors conducted two experiments to discover the gaps based on the problems faced while
teaching/learning of programming and accomplishment of learning outcomes. The results confirm that
students lack higher order thinking skills and hence there is a need to update the teaching learning
environment by using suitable ICT-enabled systems to teach students the programming language
courses so as to ensure they achieve the learning outcomes.
