Analysis of Identity Political Movements in Regional Head Elections in DKI Jakarta

  • Daud Rasyid,Badrah Uyuni,Bilal Daud Rasyid,Nur Rohim Yunus


The existence of Muslims as the majority in the DKI Jakarta elections shows their aspirations and existence as dominant forces. This can be seen in the distribution of political aspirations to fight for leaders who want to uphold Islamic values and struggles, in addition to considering the existence of Islamic political parties as the aspirations of Islamic struggle organizations. In this context the role of community organizations is very visible. Some even consider this as part of the identity politics of Muslims. This study uses qualitative research methods with a literary and contextual approach. The results of the study stated that there was a large role of Islamic mass organizations in this election event for DKI Jakarta.

How to Cite
Daud Rasyid,Badrah Uyuni,Bilal Daud Rasyid,Nur Rohim Yunus. (2020). Analysis of Identity Political Movements in Regional Head Elections in DKI Jakarta. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 707 - 718. Retrieved from