• Zebiniso Niyazova, Botir Buzrukov


The consequences of injuries are one of the main causes of visual disabilities and make up around 16% of the total. Given the above, the aim of the study was to assess the impact of ophthalmic injuries on lives of the population of the Ferghana Valley. A total of 39,700 cards of patients with ocular pathology were examined. Out of all the documents examined, 1861 cards of patients with visual injuries were selected and copied. As a result of the study, the following data were obtained: men prevailed among persons with a visual impairment group (78.3%). Most of them were people of working age (71%). One third of the disabled (29%) were agricultural workers. Among the visually impaired, persons who were injured no more than 3 years ago (50.7%) predominated. Depending on how well the work is done at the first stage of specialized care, the entire necessary amount of diagnostic examination was carried out. Effective measures were aimed at the rehabilitation of patients with post-traumatic pathology of the organ of vision.

How to Cite
Zebiniso Niyazova, Botir Buzrukov. (2020). EYE INJURY AS A REASON FOR DISABILITY. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 1356 - 1364. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/9932