Environmental Attitude for Smart City Technology: Need Assessment to Develop Smart Trash in Environmental Education
The environmental attitude of students in environmental education has an important role in a smart city. The problem that arises is the absence of a profile students' attitude in waste management. This makes the development of tools in environmental education such as smart trash need to be developed, based on students' environmental attitudes. The purpose of this study was to describe the profile of students' environmental attitudes related to waste management for developing smart trash. The research method used was descriptive method with survey technique. The instrument used student's environmental attitude that have been developed. Analysis of the data used to compare various average scores descriptively. The results showed that the students' environmental attitude scores were categorized as very high with details of 4th grade (89.78), 5th grade (87.94), 6th grade (89.16). Likewise, the average score of male students (88.48) and female students (89.50) students was in the very high category. The conclusion of this study was environmental attitude of students categorized as very high, so that smart trash can be developed in environmental education.