Environmental Wisdom: An Observation of Ecocriticism towards the Javanese Cyber Literature in 20TH Century
This research was an attempt to explore the Quadriology of Ki Padmasusastra's Novel (hereinafter referred to as QKPN) in the perspective of ecocriticism, especially the JavanesePastoral image. This study used a qualitative research paradigm. The object of this study was called cyber literature, because the data was taken from an online site. The main data sources of the study included four novels by Ki Padmasusastra. The technical data analysis used content analysis technique that was based on cultural hermeneutic. The result showed that, QKPN was a reflection of the universality of Javanese literature wrapped in text symbolism of literature. Through the plot and character of figures, implicitly or explicitly showedan ethical sense of human towards nature. The description of community life was an ideal standard of living in accordance with the values developed in Javanese culture. There was an attempt to transfer the value of environmental wisdom by Ki Padmasusastra to readers regarding the noble values of Javanese culture. The main goal of environmental wisdom in the perspective of Javanese culture wasto memayuhayuningbawana 'to maintain the balance of nature', so as to create a harmony of life among beings in the universe. An important implication of the finding was human awareness to respect each other existing entities, was a foundation of strength that could guide human to seek fellowship with nature. Through QKPN, Ki Padmasusastra also stressed about preservation, empathy, and respect for non-human beings. Thus, QKPNwas involved in ecology in three ways, namely environmentalism ethic, scientific intellectual, and practical. Through its intrinsic reading, educational values on QKPNcould be used as a platform for ethical environmental education.
Keywords: Environmental Wisdom; KiPadmasusastra; Ecocriticism; Cyber Literature;Javanese Literature