The Influence of Culture and Social Structure on Political Behavior in the Election of Mayor of Kediri Indonesia

  • I Gusti Gede Heru Marwanto, Suwarno, Basrowi


The purpose of this research is to describe the various cultures that influence the political behavior of the community. In addition, it wants to describe the influence of structure in the process of the political behavior of the people of Kediri in the Mayor's election process. The method used in this research is qualitative especially with the ethno methodology approach, which emphasizes the cultural aspects that influence people's political behavior. Data were collected using two core methods, namely participatory observation and in-depth interviews. The process of data analysis uses four steps of qualitative data analysis namely data collection, data reduction, data classification, and drawing conclusions. The analysis shows that the culture of the people of Kediri city is no longer completely obedient to traditional values ​​and upholds academic values ​​and rationality (not feudal), making people's behavior not easily consumed by issues, not easily instigated, and not easily influenced, causing political parties become more egalitarian. Likewise, the structure of society that has been created in society will also influence the political behavior of the community when facing a political party.

How to Cite
I Gusti Gede Heru Marwanto, Suwarno, Basrowi. (2020). The Influence of Culture and Social Structure on Political Behavior in the Election of Mayor of Kediri Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 1035 - 1047. Retrieved from