The Machine Game for Development in Reading Skill of Learning Disabilities Students
The machine game for development in reading skills of learning disabilities students, a self-learning activity has developed to help differently-abled students to improve their reading skills. This study aims to find the effectiveness of this machine and the overall satisfaction of students. Nine students were randomly selected and voluntarily participated in this study. A pre-test was conducted to assess their reading skills prior to the introduction of the self-learning activity package followed by a post-test and a satisfaction questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and t-test were used to analyse the data. The post-test (M=16.11, SD.=1.05) showed that the reading skills of the students improved from the pre-test (M=14.44, SD.=0.88) significantly, (4.08) =17.60, p<0.05 students were also satisfied and found the self-learning activity via machine useful.