Analysis and Design of Mathematics Student Worksheets Based on PBL Learning Models to Improve Creative Thinking
This study aims to design a student worksheet with a problem-based learning model of learning to improve students' creative thinking skills. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Subjects of this study are teachers and students of class XII MAN REO in Nusa Tenggara Timur. The object of research is creative thinking, problem-based learning and student worksheets. Data collection instruments using interview and observation guidelines. Data were analyzed using Miles & Huberman data analysis. Results showed that competency standards, basic competencies, and indicators of competency achievement were by the 2013 curriculum. Students' creative thinking skills were still low. Students have difficulty with material opportunities. Problem-based learning is one model that can be applied to improve students' creative thinking skills. Teachers need a student worksheet that is compatible with the learning model. Student worksheets that can develop creative thinking skills are not yet available. Teachers need a student worksheet that is by the characteristics of students and can improve students' creative thinking skills. This research can be continued in the Implementation and Evaluation phase.