The Use of the Interactive Whiteboard in Mathematics Lessons towards the Achievement and Motivation of Year Five Students in the Topic of Space
The purpose of this research was to determine the use of interactive board in students’ achievement and motivation in the topics of space. The research methodology is based on an quasi experiment whereby two different teaching techniques were applied, which were traditional technique for the controlled group and teaching by using interactive board for the treatment group. The data were students’ scores on their performance on the pre-test and post-test while the data on students’ level of motivation was collected using a questionnaire: Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). 60 students were selected as samples and they were divided into two groups of 30 students in the controlled group and 30 students in the treatment group. The difference of students’ scores was then analyzed using t-test. The results of this study indicated that the mean score of post-test for the treatment group is significantly higher. In conclusion, the treatment group who had undergone the lesson using interactive whiteboard performed better with a positive motivation level towards learning material compared to the controlled group with the traditional method. The implication of this study shows the use of interactive boards showed positive impact on students’ achievement and is suitable for an alternative to existing methods.
Keywords: Interactive whiteboard, Space, Achievement, Motivation.