Reformulating the Arabic Language Teaching Materials Within the Framework of Generating New Cadres of Tarjih and Tajdid Ulama
West Sumatera Muhammadiyah leaders and heads of Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatera highly expect that its Faculty of Islamic Religion may generate new cadres of tarjih and tajdid Muhammadiyah Ulama since those trained by the regional leaders for two periods have not shown any satisfying result although the recruited cadres have obtained their bachelor degree and been selected tightly. They have not given any significant contribution in conducting studies related to the issues discussed at the tarjih discussion forum. Expectation is not easy to fulfill since the Faculty of Islamic Religion has not yet reformulated the Arabic language teaching materials as the learning sources and a means to well understand Islamic teachings for the competency development of tarjih ulama candidates. This research is intended to reformulate the Arabic language teaching materials to meet those required in generating more qualified new ulama cadres. This research used a qualitative method with the data collected through documentation study, interview, and focus group discussion. The data was then comprehensively analyzed using data reduction, classification, and conclusion drawing. The research results showed that the Arabic language learning sources meeting those required in generating more qualified new cadres of tarjih and tajdid Muhammadiyah ulama is in association with the function of Arabic language as knowledge in understanding the Islamic teaching sources. Besides, Arabic language at the Faculty of Islamic Religion is not only dealing with the fulfillment of course credit number, especially for the students of Islamic Law and Arabic Language Education Study Program, but also related to the fulfillment of more intensive Arabic language learning.