The Effectiveness of Pumakkal Organic Waste Bioremediator
Pumakkal is a starter formula for decomposing bacteria of organic substances resulting from the isolation of pineapple liquid waste. The ability of decompose of Pumakkal organic substances was tested on pineapple liquid waste, coffee plantation waste and shrimp ponds. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments (Consortia A: 5 bacteria, Consortia B: 10 bacteria and Consortia C: 15 Bacteria) and 6 replications, measured nitrogen content (N) as a parameter of organic fertilizer. The data were analyzed with Anava with 2020 SPSS. The analysis results show that there are significant differences in the three treatments, the highest Nitrogen content in shrimp pond sediments and the most effective consortion is KB (10) microbes, Nitrogen content (N) fulfills the Ministry of Agriculture regulations. This study provides an understanding of plantation organic waste and fisheries can be synergized to meet the nutrition of plants.