How Extended Has the Pregnant Women Understanding Been About HBV Screening?
The incidence of HBV globally is still high even though the effort of HBV screening has been done. This shows there is a thing that needs to be verified, namely the low understanding of mothers about HBV screening. The aim of this study is to know how extended the mothers’ understanding of screening HBV has been. A scoping review is used to map evidence related to the understanding of pregnant women about HBV screening. The term of the articles searched is mapped and developed. The databases used to search for the articles are PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley and Scopus published between 2009 up to 2019. The authors found 537 articles, then selected them based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, and obtained 11 articles. This is a quantitative research method with cross-sectional research designs, case series, and cohorts. Most articles were identified from the developing countries. The result of identifying the articles is that there are two articles discussing the still low mothers understanding about HBV screening. Health education about HBV screening to pregnant women is the essential thing as the effort to prevent HBV from the mothers to the children and to decrease the HBV incident rate.