Hydro-Chemical Method of Utilizing Mineral Part of Refined Ferrochrome Slags to Obtain Sorel’s Cements for Building Materials Production
The article offers a brief overview of RFCH slag's mineral part processing technologies. It is displayed that to obtain construction materials similar in contents to Sorel cements RFCH slag's mineral part requires preliminary turning of water soluble hexavalent chrome into non-soluble state by adding either aluminum powder or FeSO4·4H2O. Construction materials based on compounds similar to Sorel cements are widely used in modern building industry. In laboratory conditions material samples were obtained that could be used to make boards similar to glass-magnesium boards (GMB) and silica-calcium boards (SCB) as their normalizable strength is 500-1000 Н/сm2, and specific gravity 1-1,5 kgs/dm3.