Towards Smart Village Development, Case of Strategic Tourist Object Development in Cikondang Village, Majalengka Regency
Rich of natural, cultural, and historical resources of Cikondang Village, Majalengka Regency, and at the same time regional fast development have become a drive to develop tourism sector as part of smart village development in Majalengka Regency. This paper aims at assessing the potencies of the village to develop its potential in historical and adventure sites to become one of rural tourism destination utilizing its historical adventure tourism in the near future. It is by offering tourism activities for the tourist market with special interest on historical values and adventures. The method used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data and information collection will be through FGD activities, interviews and literature studies, and site observations. The analysis technique used is the flow model analysis model from Miles & Huberman where there are 3 (three) lines of activity to be carried out, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification which will be presented with a TOWS matrix in which there are analyses of threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of Cikondang Village in developing historical adventure tourism. The tourist attraction in Cikondang Village with the theme Historical Adventure Tourism will focus on 2 (two) loci namely Cibali Curug and Batu Lawang Historical Site (historical tomb). A strategic planning to develop tourism activities with the theme of historical adventure in Cikondang Village is suggested for further action.