Investigations on On-Board Charger with Simultaneous Charging of Low Voltage Battery for Electrical Vehicles
In this research, electrical vehicles (xEVs) are incorporated with on-board battery charger (OBC) and a low voltage dc/dc converter (LDC) for charging the low voltage (LV) battery. The OBC-LDC power unit (OLPU) step-down the number and size of the circuit components and increases the overall power density. Besides, in the unified OLPU, internal wiring of the xEVs is improved by sharing common apparatus of the two portions, to rule out the price of high-voltage cables. The unified OLPU fulfils the performance of standard on-board battery charger and LDCs for charging the batteries (both propulsion and LV), in three operating modes. In addition, this work describes the characteristics and design considerations for the integrated circuit structure along with possible solutions for the complications in the circuit. The simulation results of the electrical vehicle charger with the proposed power unit are presented.