Designing Mobile Game-Based Learning Application for Preschool Children on Oral Health Education using Malay Culture Elements
Educating children at an early age is important for parents because they are still in the learning process. With the modern age of technology development, values and elements of Malay culture need to be preserved in technology development. The main objective of this research is to design a mobile game-based learning application for preschool children on oral health education by using Malay culture elements. Interview sessions were conducted with a dentist, parents and preschool teachers. The Digital Educational Game Development Methodology (GAMED) was adapted into three phases which are (1) requirement, (2) game design, and (3) implementation. The application focuses on the Malay culture elements which are Malay traditional attire, Malay ‘pantun’, and Malay language. Future work may include adding more Malay culture elements into the mobile game-based learning application.