Conservation of Water Resources in an Ancient Javanese Manuscript: Ethno-hydraulic Perspective
The specific purpose of this study is to explore the water conservation model represented by Serat Centhini, a 19th Century Old Javanese Manuscript by Paku Buwana V in Surakarta, Indonesia. The approach used is qualitative with an ethnohydrolic perspective, namely the study of water conservation processes based on the wisdom of Javanese culture. The data were obtained from the text of Serat Centhini, in Latin letters translated by Karkono Kamajaya. The results showed that water in Javanese mythology has a very strategic position embedded as a subconscious force of Javanese society. Second, three water conservation models are found, namely: (1) Cultural Convention Model, (2) Literary and Knowledge Creation Model, and (3) Tradition Ceremony Creation Model. This research is still very likely to be developed and continued on other topics so that Serat Centhini can be called as an encyclopedia of Javanese Culture.