Islamic Values in Popular Malay Literary Novels
Popular Malay literature has not been taken into account in the treasures of modern Indonesian literature. Although it exceeds the quantity of literary works that are officially considered in modern Indonesian literature. This literature gave birth to important literary works namely the novel Tjerita Nyai Dasima by G. Francis, which was first published in 1896 and Hikayat Siti Mariah by H. Mukti which was originally as a serial story of the Medan Priyayi daily from 1910-1912. These two works, besides being written several times in several versions, also begin the form of their statements in modern Indonesian literature. This study describes the Islamic values contained in the two novels and the author's attitude towards these values. With a sociological approach to literature, this descriptive qualitative research produced several findings. His findings were that the two novels contained Islamic values concerning the values of faith, sharia values and morals. The authors of these novels have different attitudes in seeing the values of Islam and the perpetrators. G Francis showed anti-Islamic attitudes towards both religion and its people while H. Mukti only looked down on certain religious leaders, as well as towards Islam and its people being shown fairly.