Measuring Generosity Reviewing the Reliability and Validity of Generosity Measures in Indonesia
People are being more generous. The money involves in charitable giving is a huge. Business has tapping into this opportunity with program such as Cause Related Marketing (CRM). Firms introduced as approach to combine act of giving & business purpose so that customers view purchasing as a prosocial behavior. Currently there is still limited measures available to assess generosity construct, especially in Indonesia. Two quantitative studies to review the validity and reliability of two type generosity measures were conducted, pilot study which involves 42 samples and extension study which involves 200 samples. Structured questionnaires which distributed online was used as instrutment of the studies. The result of data analysis with SPSS shows that Buhrow’s Generosity scale is valid but not reliable in both pilot and extension studies. However, IG Scale from Smith and Hill is reliable and valid. Reviewing the items of both scales reveals that some items in Buhrow’s scale were not common term and common practice in Indonesia. Therefore, culture fit context should be an important consideration in choosing generosity scale. IG Scale from Smith and Hill is suitable to measure generosity in Indonesia.