A Significance of Digital Marketing for Promoting Bio-economy in Ukrainian Economy
The article presents research on Internet marketing and digital marketing by describing their role in the system of integrated marketing communications. The study shows the analysis of modern theoretical research and practical developments using recent technologies of digital marketing, especially crowd marketing and its main tools. Processed recommendations on the use of digital marketing technology in enterprises of the agricultural sector considering the advantages that Ukrainian companies will have in the practical use of them.
How to Cite
Tkachuk V. I., Zinovchuk V. V., Tarasovych L. V., Yaremova M. I. (2020). A Significance of Digital Marketing for Promoting Bio-economy in Ukrainian Economy. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(6s), 1043 - 1049. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/9171