The Combinations of Lighting Technology, Neurological Processes and Language in Reducing of Acrophobia on Ifdil Perceptual Light Technique and Their Effect

  • Ifdil Ifdil, Nilma Zola, Rima Pratiwi Fadli, Elfi Churnia, Yola Eka Putri, Berru Amalianita


Acrophobia is an excessive fear of heights which belongs to the category of specific phobias known as space and motion discomfort. Individuals in this category tend to ensure their life is not organized around high places. However, this makes it difficult for them to live a normal life. This study, therefore, aims to analyze the effectiveness of Ifdil Perceptual Light Technique (IPLT) in reducing Acrophobia using the Single-Subject Research (SSR) on five clients. The instruments used scaling, client give a number between 1 until 10 for indicated of specified point of acrophobia client. The results show that IPLT is effective in reducing Acrophobia, and therefore, acts as an alternative technique in helping clients with this problem.

How to Cite
Ifdil Ifdil, Nilma Zola, Rima Pratiwi Fadli, Elfi Churnia, Yola Eka Putri, Berru Amalianita. (2020). The Combinations of Lighting Technology, Neurological Processes and Language in Reducing of Acrophobia on Ifdil Perceptual Light Technique and Their Effect. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 404 - 408. Retrieved from