Users Truthfulness Identification & Cryptography in Data Market

  • Swati Phalke, Dr. Chaitanya Kulkarni, Mrs. Sushama Nanadgaonkar


 Several online information systems have arisen as an important business model to meet the needs of society for person-specie data, where a service provider receives raw data from data providers and then delivers value-added data services to data users. Nonetheless, data users are confronted with a pressing problem in the data trading framework, that is, how to check that the service provider has obtained and stored data in a fair manner? In fact, data users are usually unable to reveal to data buyers their private personal data and actual identities. The suggested method that identifies participants is Truthfulness. In this system consumer buy product that he/she should give the system analysis to verify first whether or not the contributors are an approved individual.

How to Cite
Swati Phalke, Dr. Chaitanya Kulkarni, Mrs. Sushama Nanadgaonkar. (2020). Users Truthfulness Identification & Cryptography in Data Market. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 371 - 379. Retrieved from