Coastline Change Analysis through Numerical Flow Modelling on Batu Hiu, Pangadaran

  • Subiyanto, Titan Malik Ibrahim, Hazman Hiwari, Yuyun Hidayat, Yudi Nurul Ihsan, Sudradjat Supian


The current condition of the Pangandaran coastline is experiencing various complex problems. These problems include abrasion and accretion which causes disruption in the tourism sector or the coastal and marine ecosystem sector. To find out the magnitude of changes in the shoreline, an analysis by using numerical model that validated with direct measurement data was performed. The methodology of this study is to collect primary and secondary data on 2018 in the West and East Season, the length of the coastline along 2 kilometers with a distance between measurement points as much as 20 m, wind speed and direction, current speed, coastline length, and bathymetry. The data is processed by using Mike Zero software with the Litpack module. The modeling results obtained show that changes in the coastline that occur between the west and east seasons in 2018 have an average change of 0.007 m and an average amount of sediment transport of 0.04 m3/m on each grid.

How to Cite
Subiyanto, Titan Malik Ibrahim, Hazman Hiwari, Yuyun Hidayat, Yudi Nurul Ihsan, Sudradjat Supian. (2020). Coastline Change Analysis through Numerical Flow Modelling on Batu Hiu, Pangadaran. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 211 - 219. Retrieved from