Solid waste is becoming a mounting issue and has increased expanded mindfulness over late years. Delhi is one of the largest cities in the world and also known as a most polluted city too. Delhi is the capital of India and overpopulated too. It contributes increased municipal solid waste (MSW) generation. Everything is discarded together on the streets and at the landfills, the dumps in Delhi are identified as the largest, least maintained and unscientifically operated and the most hazardous in the world, and it happens, despite of enormous of waste collectors, scrap dealers and recyclers and, a rigorous campaign regulated by a number of municipal authorities to segregate waste where it is generated and from where it gets collected. Bhalswa, Ghazipur and Okhla dumpsites are already over loaded landfills. Unscientific handling of MSW degrades the urban surroundings and causes health hazards. The generation being the non-point/area supply, assortment and disposal poses a serious issue to the municipalities and the regulatory bodies. Proper management of solid waste is a serious matter of concern for public health and environment. The extraordinary unhealthy situation and challenges in municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in Delhi is the motivation of the present study. Present paper is, an effort to evaluate the main parameters of MSWM. In addition it is a comprehensive review of MSW generation, its characterization, collection, and treatment methods as practiced in Delhi with some suggestion for better management system in Delhi.