A Literature Review on Energy Value Stream Mapping (EVSM)

  • Neha Verma
  • Vinay Sharma


This paper presents a review of literature on extended VSM to enhance Energy Value stream mapping. The increase in the price of energy due to the scarcity of energy resources has imposed enormous pressure on the industries to reduce the consumption of these resources and is forcing them to invest in techniques that contribute to the improvement of their energy efficiency. The application of methods such as Energy Value Stream Mapping (EVSM) has been promising in reducing energy consumption and is being one of the methods widely used by industry professionals to eliminate inefficiencies in processes. Based on this information, the objective of this work is to present an analysis of the literature on EVSM addressing the modes of implementation, advantages and disadvantages, the applied industrial context and the complementary methods. By means of the results it was verified that its use allows the reduction of energy consumption, but is limited to a static representation and allows the analysis of only one product.Though some researches had proposed how to increase sustainability, none of those researches showed the effect of the increase of performance metrics to the level of energy. Finally, suggestions are made for methods to complement its use and to assist future research in this area.

How to Cite
Verma, N., & Sharma, V. (2019). A Literature Review on Energy Value Stream Mapping (EVSM). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 27, 01 - 08. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/87