IMPLICATION OF DEATH PENALTY FOR DRUGS CRIMES IN INDONESIA: A Case Study in Indonesia Anti-Narcotics Agency of East Kalimantan Province

  • La Sina


The aim of this paper is to investigate the implication of death penalty for dgrugs crimes in Indonesia, case in Indonesia Anti-Narcotics Agency of East Kalimantan Province Indonesia. In line with the tendency of paradigm shifts in the academic sphere to non-positivistic, primarily constructivism. Then, this research uses steps in the form of data collection, legal materials and field research conducted at the office of the National Narcotics Agency in East Kalimantan. In the study also conducted questionnaires to be answered by the National Narcotics Agency. The death penalty for narcotics crime in Indonesia has been regulated in the Criminal Code and other laws and the application of capital punishment in Indonesia has been known since the time of the kingdom to the present day, but what happens is a crime that can be threatened with death penalty continue to happen in this beloved country. This is one of few studies which investigate the death penalty, especially in Indonesia. The death penalty has been regulated in the Act but has not yet had a widespread impact on the perpetrators, so the execution of the death penalty does not provide a deterrent effect and does not cause fear for drugs criminals.

How to Cite
La Sina. (2020). IMPLICATION OF DEATH PENALTY FOR DRUGS CRIMES IN INDONESIA: A Case Study in Indonesia Anti-Narcotics Agency of East Kalimantan Province. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 55 - 66. Retrieved from