Heart Disease Diagnosis using ANN, RNN and CNN

  • Tejasri Katragadda, M. Srinivas, Kolla Bhanu Prakash, T Pavan Kumar


Heart disease is the most alarming issue which is more dangerous. The heart is the most vital organ in
the human body. Any heart-related disease can be very harmful and can often lead to death if not treated
properly in the early stages. The death rate also increased because of heart diseases. Till today there is
no accurate method to predict heart diseases. Also, it is very complex to detect such diseases manually so
it is only implemented with the automated systems with the latest computer technologies. Lately, many
software appliances and various algorithms have been introduced for optimal Medical Decision Support
systems. Even still today new algorithms and new tools are being developed for even more accurate
results. Neural Networks is playing an important role in the classification as well as prediction. This
research work is the implementation of the heart disease diagnostic system. The proposed system for
clinical diagnoses of Cardiovascular disorders leads to the accurate diagnosis of these disorders which
may act as an important clinical support network resource.

How to Cite
Tejasri Katragadda, M. Srinivas, Kolla Bhanu Prakash, T Pavan Kumar. (2020). Heart Disease Diagnosis using ANN, RNN and CNN. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 2232 - 2239. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/8427