Optical Device Configuration of Water Content Measurement on the Green Tea Blend

  • Arum Setyowati, Retno Wigajatri Purnamaningsih


In this study the design of optical device configuratios was carried out to measure water content of green tea powder. The device configuration works by utilizing reflectance and absorbance phenomena, consisting of LED (λ = 970 nm), cuvette, LED driver, beam splitter and photodiode. From the measurement results of green tea powder obtained a linier consistent relationship between reflectance intensity in the range 0f 6% - 58% water content variation, which decreases with increasing water content with gradient -8x10-3.

How to Cite
Arum Setyowati, Retno Wigajatri Purnamaningsih. (2020). Optical Device Configuration of Water Content Measurement on the Green Tea Blend. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 2084 - 2098. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/8411