Proposal for Dispersion Compensating Photonic Crystal Fibre

  • Feroza Begum
  • Pg Emeroylariffion Abas
  • Juliana Zaini


This paper proposes and demonstrates a photonic crystal fibre based on hexagonal structure with eight rings of air holes in the cladding, for broadband dispersion compensation which cover almost S, C and L communication bands. Numerical simulations have been used to analyse the proposed design. According to results, large negative dispersion coefficient and low dispersion slope have been demonstrated over almost S, C and L bands. Moreover, other important properties for dispersion compensating fibre such as confinement loss, effective area and residual dispersion have been derived and examined. Results have suggested that short fibre length may be used for dispersion compensation purpose using the proposed fibre. These remarkable properties suggest applicability of the proposed photonic crystal fibre for dispersion compensation in high bit-rate communication networks.

How to Cite
Begum, F., Abas, P. E., & Zaini, J. (2019). Proposal for Dispersion Compensating Photonic Crystal Fibre. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(8s), 63 - 71. Retrieved from