Preservation and Utilization of Culture Reserves in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia

  • Kartono, Tedi Sudrajat


Preservation and utilization of cultural heritage is intended to maintain diversity of cultural asset and protection against damage to cultural heritage. Reviewing the conditions in Banyumas, Central Java Indonesia, preservation and utilization of sites and cultural heritage buildings up to the beginning of 2019 cannot be maximized. This condition is because the system of cultural protection norms has not been integrated. Based on that reason, Banyumas regency established priority legal products in the types of local regulations to encourage strengthening efforts to preserve and utilize cultural reserves before the establishment of cultural preservation is carried out. Priority can be made by making site assignments to providing incentives for potential cultural heritage owners. Preservation and utilization of registered cultural heritage can be carried out through a step-by-step strategy with priority on the level of threat and maintaining the diversity of existing cultural heritage types.

How to Cite
Kartono, Tedi Sudrajat. (2020). Preservation and Utilization of Culture Reserves in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 7917- 7924. Retrieved from