Real Time Assessment of the Standards of Water in Jeedimetla Industrial Region Using IoT Based Embedded System
Essential constituent of many nations’ development and economic growth is a healthy citizens. Contaminated water is harming the health of the living beings. In the current industrial world, constant observation of water quality is extremely needed for the survival of human race and pollution free environment. As a solution to this crisis, in this paper, thorough and continuous observation of water quality by utilizing IoT has been proposed. we present the details of the continuous monitoring process of the water quality at various locations of Jeedimetla Industrial Region using IoT based embedded system. The purity of water at regular intervals is also analyzed by plotting the curves for spatial and temporal variations of the parameters. Here, we extracted the degree of water purity through physio chemical quantities such as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, pH and Turbidity.