Green Time Setting at Signalized Intersections through Numerical and Linguistic Variables with the Fuzzy Logic Model
We investigate the development of signal setting intersection for green time using the Fuzzy Logic model. During this time
the arrangement of intersections with traffic lights using numerical variables has resulted in less efficient green signal time., It seems
that there are still less optimal queues and capacities. The Fuzzy logic models are developed in calculating the extend of green time by using numerical and linguistic variables to improve the performance of signalized intersections. The Fuzzy logic potentially extend green time because it includes linguistic variables in the form of violations, so that the timing of the signal involved all variables that affect the movement of vehicles at the intersection.The main feature of the Fuzzy Logic system is that the analysis involves linguistic variables. The extend of green time of the signal intersection is obtained through a series of combinations of variable analysis of membership function calculations in the fuzzy inference engine and rule base. The model is verified with fuzzified data from the 2017 traffic research survey in Bandung. The final analysis shows that the extend of green time greatly contributes to controlling intersection traffic, especially in terms of reducing the number of queued vehicles and increasing the flow of intersection traffic.