Cloud Integrated Visualization for Air Pollution Monitoring System using IoT

  • Ms. Adlene Ebenezer P., Mr. Anuj Kakar, Ms. Anushri Sharma, Mr. Ansuman Mohanty


Seeing the degrading quality of air over the past few decades that have not only caused environmental problem but also biological problems with plants and animals alike. Over the years the air which was once fresh and clean has now become polluted. The exponential growth of industries combining with the amassing of toxic fume emissions has become a primary contributor for air pollution. Moreover, these fumes are the main reason behind numerous respiratory and medical problems. Furthermore, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels; deforestation is the major cause of air pollution. The proposed system seeks to implement Internet Of Thing (IOT) by gathering the amount of harmful pollutants present in the air such as CO2, SO2, NOX and such along with various other parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, altitude, geolocation and pushing them to a cloud platform via a microcontroller .The experimental results provide a greatly accurate readings with a really low least count.. Moreover logging the data into a cloud platform makes the process of visualizing data very seamless and easy in comparison to other methodologies present today. In addition to this, there is also a mobile dashboard so as to visualize and monitor the recorded data in near real time.

How to Cite
Ms. Adlene Ebenezer P., Mr. Anuj Kakar, Ms. Anushri Sharma, Mr. Ansuman Mohanty. (2020). Cloud Integrated Visualization for Air Pollution Monitoring System using IoT. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 7678 - 7686. Retrieved from