Evaluation of Community Learning Activity Center Program (PKBM) as a Community Learning Resource in Ambon City based on evaluation of Input

  • Lamberthus J. Lokollo, Jhoni Lagun Siang, Jafar Dahlan


Purpose of this research in general is to find out and describe the effectiveness of the implementation of PKBM as a source of learning in the Municipality of Ambon. This research is an evaluation research (evaluation research) based on the CIPP (evaluation modelContext, Input, Process, Product)with the object of research being the PKBM program as a center for community learning resources in Ambon City, using a qualitative approach. This approach has a superior that provides a comprehensive study of social phenomena conducted by researchers. The research method is used as a guide or tool for researchers on how the research steps are carried out, in an effort to reveal the research problem. The results of the study show that: (1) Residents learning the PKBM Package C program in Ambon City are generally marginalized people who due to socio-economic factors do not have the ability to attend education in the formal or school channels so that theydrop outor don't want continue their education to a higher level. (2) PKBM tutors in Ambon City have fulfilled the qualifications required for the implementation of the C package equivalency education program both the educational qualifications and the suitability of the educational background with the subjects being taught. (3) The manager of PKBM has good managerial skills in organizing package C programs, both in administrative services, procurement of material / curriculum, procurement of supporting media and other facilities, procurement of space, and maintenance of security and comfort. (4) PKBM has a clear source of funding, the use of operational costs from the government refers to the technical operational costs of implementing the equivalency education package C program and is reported regularly every month and at the end of the program. (5) C PKBM package program in Ambon City has a high / good actuality. 

How to Cite
Lamberthus J. Lokollo, Jhoni Lagun Siang, Jafar Dahlan. (2020). Evaluation of Community Learning Activity Center Program (PKBM) as a Community Learning Resource in Ambon City based on evaluation of Input. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 1457 - 1466. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/8198