Quality of Work Life of Migrant Workers in Construction Industry with focus on Chennai City

  • Dr. S. Allahbaksh


            In India, urbanisation is considered as the key aspect in the society based on the recent census data, the level of urbanisation has increased from 31.16% in 2011 to more than 35.6% in 2018. The construction industry is stated as one of the leading industries in the country and employs large number of skilled and unskilled labour force and support in making the country to progress more from year on year. It is noted that there is an increased demand for the construction workers in Chennai as there are always more capital and infrastructure investments being deployed by the state and central governments, there are many industries and companies which are increasing in the city, moreover the city is one of the top metropolitan cities and is attracting more foreign investments and domestic funding. The quality of work life is highly significant for industrial related organisation so as to contribute to absorb and retain the workers. This is considered as a significant program which is mainly intended to enhance the well being and safety of the employees working in construction sites. This study is performed in the construction industry in Chennai city, the researcher intends to collect the data from the migrant workers who worksfor construction industry. The researcher collects data from 125 respondents through random sampling. In order to measure the demographic variables, the researcher adopted percentage analysis; furthermore chi square test and regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis.

How to Cite
Dr. S. Allahbaksh. (2020). Quality of Work Life of Migrant Workers in Construction Industry with focus on Chennai City. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 1439 - 1446. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/8187