Eureka of Effective Leadership Skill in the Digital Era of Disruption

  • Neelam Tandon, Preeti Singh, Deepak Tandon, Dr. J.K.Batra


 Disruptions, sustainability plays a pivot role in the ‘core ‘business of corporate world. Effective Leadership goes in consonance with the sustainability.  It is a matter of fact that the Companies  having  effective leadership  gear up their business strategy  which  in turn would   enthuse employee loyalty, creates unique customer experience  , strengthens  suppliers confidence  and thus  add niche brand value through which company’s investors would also be benefitted..  In today’s competitive scenario a more positive significant and sustainable future is of utmost importance for corporates. Adoption of meaningful near-term targets and efficient reallocation of resources can be enhanced with effective and visionary leaders. It is important for a visionary leader to encourage and support employees to become effective and productive workforce in the fast changing digital work environment, and unleash their talents. In the digital era of deep discounting companies with the immense challenges of customer retention, the enthusiastic customer’s transition rate to resistant customers leads to loss of business for firms. In this paper the authors through the qualitative research method of content analysis have made an attempt to analyze the traits of effective leadership of Apple’s CEO Tim Cook. The systematic examination of the content of Tim Cook’s interview transcript and investor’s report of Apple has been considered as the unit of analysis. Through theme based content analysis the authors have concluded the unique leadership traits of Apple CEO of being humble, people and society centric with a belief of corporates should have value and the digital security  of customer’s data is of utmost important  makes him the unique and effective leader.

How to Cite
Neelam Tandon, Preeti Singh, Deepak Tandon, Dr. J.K.Batra. (2020). Eureka of Effective Leadership Skill in the Digital Era of Disruption. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 1403 - 1410. Retrieved from